Not too smokers corner or anything equally as nasty!! The clock nearly went flying out of the room last night...although it has no second hand it still tick. The night before the nurse put it in the bathroom for some strange reason so I did hear it but last night I was too tired to get up and managed to get to sleep...untill stupid o'clock in the morning when I woke up then again at about 7 when they came to take blood.
My friend Olivia came yesterday (looking VERY brown from her holiday in Corfu so I was not impressed!!) but was good to have a nice catch up and congrats to her for passing her uni exams and therefore her 1st year at uni!!!!!!!!! She seemed very shocked about this since all her revision time was spent i think looking for us tutu's to do the race for life in ( if again you want to sponsor me) but I always had faith in her! :)
My new jewellery from came yesterday...a cupcake ring (which I immediately broke so need to fix it with superglue when I get home) and a geek glasses necklace....
But this I am LOVING!
i swear I could have spent a fortune on the accessories on this site!
Im hoping to be getting out tomorrow after my last lot of chemo in the morning...they are getting all my drugs ready and such so I can go...back to the ward on tuesday for blood tests then when my counts start to drop ill be back in. This will not last up to my birthday as I refuse to spend my birthday in hoping to have a 'shindig on the ramp' so need to decorate and also that weekend am doing the race for life so if the docs think I will be in...they can very much think again!! :) I am stubborn and thats how its staying!!
you're stubborn and we wouldn't have you any other way! Cute jewellery -why have you not told me about this website before?! I demand you send me the link! lolxxx