Monday, 24 May 2010

Stay Colourful

We will start with the updates today as there isnt a great deal. Yesterday my tooth started hurting, more aching then anything else...I thought it was a wisdom tooth coming through. The pain of wisdom :( but at 12.30 last night the pain woke me up and every time I swallowed it really hurt down my throught and neck on the right side. So i had some paracetamol through my line and managed to get to sleep. When they woke me up at 7 to take my blood I didnt really notice the pain but again when I woke up properly at 8.30 it was really hurting again so I had some more pain killers and when the doctors came round I mentioned it. The german one (who tries her best to make conversation bless her, but it doesnt really work) told me I had very nice teeth so....thats nice lol but they are going to get a 'very nice but bonkers' dentist to come and check my teeth. 'Nice but bonkers' seems to be a requirement for many people working in the NHS!!
Im still waiting on todays blood results so no updates there yet!

On more interesting news Iv just applied to do a home study nail technician course while Im ill so I have something that I can actually do in hospital to keep me occupied. So when I get that through (hopefully tomorrow) ill be needing peoples hands to practice on and take pictures of please :) any takers???

For those of you who are interested in my nails (Kimberley) they are in the process of changing from bright yellow to the bright blue that my mum bought me just before I went into ICU in November....remember that one??

Im channelling my summer look today with some demin roll up short type things that were once my mine :) and a navy vest top....doesnt sound that summery but teamed with my newly painted nails and a very nice bright orange silky scarf also doubling as a cute little feeling like im out in the sun. Well if I close my eyes and imagine really hard!!! Im gutted that this year I have NO chance of the slightest tan. I know im always 'pale and interesting' (thats my excuse and im sticking to it) but normally I have a small chance of being out in the sun and getting even a slightest hint of colour, but with chemo and being in hospital....NO CHANCE. So if its quite alright with everyone dont rub it in that you will all go a lovely golden colour :( although the majority of my friends are like me and dont tan so hopefully it shouldnt be too much of an issue!!!


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